Sudip Barua, Haripada Roy, Sushanta Barua, Suchitra Basak and Fazlul Wahab Chowdhury
Background: Heart failure is a commonly encountered problem in our country. The causes of heart failure are variable. Anemia is a common association of almost all these cases. Anemia adversely affects the outcome of heart failure. The potentially morbid sequel of anemia during heart failure definitely demands attention. That is why in the recent times a lot of studies going on throughout the world relating anemia with heart failure.
Objective: The present study is intended to find out anemic status of chronic heart failure patients.
Method: This cross sectional observational study was conducted in the department of medicine & cardiology unit, Sir Salimullah Medical College (SSMCH), Dhaka over a period of one year from April 2015 to March 2016. Total 96 subjects, after fulfill the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected. Heart failure patients were studied on the basis of demographic, clinical & radiological variables and severity of anemia of heart failure patients detected by Hb concentration.
Results: In this study among the 96 heart failure patients, mean age was found 48.5±16.7 years. The highest incidence was in the (51-60) years of age group. Female were 64% and 36% were male. Among heart failure patients 69 (72%) were anemic and the rest had no anemia. Most common cause of heart failure was ischaemic heart disease (35 patients, 36.5%). This is followed by valvular heart disease (32 patients, 33.3%). Among 69 anemic patients 4(5.8%),42(60.9%) and 23(33.3%) patients were observed in NYHA functional class-II, class-III & class-IV. In NYHA functional class II, all 4 patients (5.8%) were mildly anemic. No patients belongs to moderate and severe anemia. In NYHA functional class III, most of the patients 37(53.6%) were mildly anemic. Only 5(7.2%) patients were moderately anemic. No patients belongs to severe anemia. In NYHA functional class IV, most of the patients 17(24.6%) were moderately anemic. This is followed by severely anemic patients 3(4.3%). So severity of anemia significantly associated with severity of heart failure (P <0.001).
Conclusion: In our study found that frequency of anemia is high in heart failure patients and severity of anemia was associated with degree of heart failure.
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