Dr. Faraz Khan
Aim: To calculate left ventricular mass index in patients of chronic kidney disease stage III-V having haemoglobin level <11 g/dl and to demonstrate development of left ventricular hypertrophy early in chronic kidney disease patients with mild to moderate anemia.
Methods: This study was done over one year on 100 patients of CKD (stage III to V), aged 15-80 years, who had elevated serum creatinine and reduced glomerular filtration rate, haemoglobin <11 gm/dl with ultrasonographic evidence of renal parenchymal disease grade >2. The patients were assessed based on clinical history and a number of laboratory parameters including blood urea, serum creatinine, calcium, inorganic phosphorus, serum electrolytes, iPTH level, Hb, Hct, glomerular filtration rate and left ventricular mass index.
Results: Majority % of the study population i.e. 68% was male, 32% was female. Most of the male patient, i.e. 73.52% of the study population, have abnormal left ventricular mass index (135 g/m2 is taken as normal value for male patients). Majority of female patients i.e., 87.5% have abnormal left ventricular mass index. 34% patients belonged to 46-60 years age group. There was strong correlation between Anemia and left ventricular mass index in both male and female patients. 17 out of 22 patients who were diabetic are having abnormal LVMI, whereas 66 out of 78 non-diabetic patients have abnormal LVMI, so there is no correlation between DM and LVMI.
Conclusion: Anemia was widely prevalent in our CKD patients. Severity of anaemia is correlated to left ventricular hypertrophy in these patients. Hence correction of anaemia early in these groups of patients can halt or prevent cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
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