S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 |
Noonan syndrome-A rare case report
Anwesha Biswas, Prateek Banerjee, Manu Sharma
Int. J. Res. Med. Sci., 2021; 3(2): 01-03
2 |
Hallucinating presentation of multiple sclerosis: A case report
Rashida Jabeen, Rukhsana Kousar, Narjis Raza Jafree, Humaira Iftikhar
Int. J. Res. Med. Sci., 2021; 3(2): 04-05
3 |
Antibacterial therapy in a complex treatment and prophylaxis of infections complications in burn disease
Shakirov B M, Haydarov M M, Abdurahmonov I R, Nuralieva R M, Melikova D U, Muradova R R
Int. J. Res. Med. Sci., 2021; 3(2): 06-08
4 |
Dyslexia and cerebral dysfunction
Theofilidis Antonis
Int. J. Res. Med. Sci., 2021; 3(2): 09-11
5 |
Can a medical grade honey sterilize an unsterilized honey
Amit Kumar C Jain
Int. J. Res. Med. Sci., 2021; 3(2): 12-13